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12 Video Game Prototype Mistakes to Avoid

October 7, 2024
Creating a game prototype is a critical milestone, but common mistakes can derail progress. Avoid pitfalls like choosing the wrong game engine, focusing on polish too early, or lacking clear objectives. It's also essential to test with diverse users, avoid over-attachment to prototypes, and plan for iteration. By focusing on core mechanics and learning from mistakes, developers can create prototypes that effectively guide the game development process. Prototyping may be time-consuming, but tools like Cybever streamline world-building, allowing more focus on refining gameplay.
Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Creating a video game prototype is one of the biggest accomplishments for aspiring video game designers. It's a milestone that's essential for testing core mechanics and gameplay. To make sure your prototype effectively guides development and avoids common pitfalls, here are the key mistakes to avoid.

1. Choosing the Wrong Game Engine

Choosing the right game engine is your first step to starting off on the right track. While Unreal Engine & Unity are versatile choices, they might not always be the best fit for every project. For instance, Unity’s complex features might be overkill for a simple 2D platformer, where engines like Godot could offer more streamlined, user-friendly tools. Selecting an engine that aligns with your game’s specific requirements is always a good practice when starting your prototype journey. 

2. Unnecessary Polish

It’s common to get wrapped up in perfecting small details during prototyping, but the focus should remain on testing core gameplay mechanics. Spending too much time on non-essential features, like animations or intricate graphics, can slow down progress and lead to burnout. For example, if you dedicate weeks to perfecting animations before testing gameplay, you might later discover the gameplay itself requires major adjustments.

The same goes for adding polish like detailed art or sound effects. At this stage, placeholder assets—simple shapes or basic sounds—are more effective for keeping attention on mechanics. Polishing too early, like spending time on character models before movement mechanics are solid, diverts attention from what truly matters: refining and validating gameplay.

Luckily you can use Cybever to further help expedite some of your graphics, so you can devote more time to refining those things that really matter.

3. Lack of Clear Objectives

A prototype without clear objectives can become unfocused and unproductive.

Establish specific goals for your prototype, such as testing a new mechanic or exploring a narrative element. This helps ensure that the prototype serves its intended purpose and provides valuable insights. For example, if you’re testing a new jumping mechanic, your prototype should be designed to evaluate how this mechanic interacts with other gameplay elements and whether it enhances the player’s experience. Goals also allow you to measure progress. 

4. Attachment to Prototypes

Developers can become too attached to their prototypes, making it difficult to pivot or abandon them when necessary. If a prototype isn’t working as intended or fails to meet its objectives, it’s essential to be willing to move on. 

Setting a time limit for each prototype can help prevent this attachment and encourage more objective decision-making. For example, if feedback indicates that your prototype’s core mechanic isn’t fun, rather than clinging to it, use the insights to create a new prototype that addresses the issues. It’s all about being willing to experiment and adapt (and sometimes say goodbye).

5. Focusing Solely on Digital Prototypes

While digital prototypes are important, starting with a low-tech paper prototype can often be a good move. Why is that? Paper prototypes allow for quick and low-cost testing of gameplay ideas. You can start the iteration process without the need for programming. 

This can be really useful if you’re still fleshing out ideas or lacking programming skills. That’s because using paper prototypes allows you to test basic game mechanics and lets you refine concepts before committing to a more time-consuming digital version.

6. Insufficient Testing

Testing a prototype only with yourself or a small group of acquaintances can lead to biased feedback. Be sure you test with a diverse group of users who represent your target audience. Encourage them to give honest (and actionable) feedback. 

This broader testing helps identify issues that may not be apparent to those too close to the project. If only familiar testers play your prototype, you might miss out on feedback about user experience and gameplay balance that only a wider audience would provide. Don't be afraid to put your "baby" out there into the world.

7. Lack of Depth and Variety

A prototype with shallow game play or repetitive elements can signal problems that may persist in the final game.

To avoid this, ensure your prototype includes a range of mechanics and features. This helps identify which elements are most effective and how they can be refined. For example, if your prototype only tests basic movement without exploring different gameplay mechanics, you may miss opportunities to enhance depth and variety in the final game. 

- Take a holistic approach to your prototype and consider testing the following:

- Core Mechanics: Test the fundamental gameplay mechanics, such as movement, combat, or interaction, to ensure they are functional and enjoyable.

- Game Balance: Assess how different elements of the game interact to maintain a balanced and challenging experience, including difficulty levels and rewards.

- Level Design: Evaluate the design and layout of levels or environments to ensure they are engaging and provide a variety of challenges.

- Player Feedback: Test how well the game communicates with the player through visual and audio cues, and ensure it provides clear feedback for actions and decisions.

- Unique Features: Explore any innovative mechanics or features to gauge their effectiveness and impact on the overall gameplay experience.

- Replayability: Assess elements that encourage replayability, such as varied objectives, hidden content, or different gameplay paths.

- User Experience: Test the overall user experience, including the ease of learning the game, user interface design, and overall enjoyment.

8. Poor Planning and Iteration

Bad planning and lack of iteration can result in prototype nightmares. Develop a clear plan for each iteration by focusing on specific aspects you want to test and refine based on feedback. Proper planning ensures that each iteration builds on the previous one and brings you closer to a polished final product.

For instance, if you don’t plan out what to test in each iteration, you might end up making changes that don’t address the most critical feedback. You might even end up “fixing” things that don’t actually need fixing. 

9. Ignoring Unique Features

Failing to test unique features early on can result in a game that lacks distinction. Incorporate and refine innovative elements in your prototype to evaluate their impact on gameplay. This helps ensure that your game stands out and offers something unique to players. For example, if your prototype includes a novel gameplay mechanic, make sure to test it thoroughly to see how it enhances the overall experience and adjust based on player feedback.

10. Overlooking the Purpose of Prototyping

Prototyping is not just about creating a rough version of your game; it’s about answering specific design questions and testing concepts. Each prototype should have a focused goal, whether it’s evaluating a new mechanic or exploring a narrative element. This focus helps you get useful insights and drive development forward. Here are some examples of tests:

- Mechanic Evaluation: Prototype a new combat system to test its functionality and player enjoyment.

- Narrative Exploration: Create a prototype focusing on a key plot twist to assess its impact on the story.

- Level Design Testing: Prototype a single level to refine layout and difficulty based on player feedback.

- UI Experimentation: Prototype only the new UI changes to evaluate usability and design.

- Art Style Assessment: Develop a prototype with the new art style applied to a few assets to gauge its effectiveness.

11. Failing to Learn from Mistakes

Each prototype offers valuable lessons that can inform future development. Failing to analyze and learn from past prototypes can lead to repeating the same errors. Document issues encountered and solutions applied. Then, use these insights to improve future projects.

12. Skipping Prototyping

Skipping the prototyping phase can lead to a host of issues later in development. Prototyping is crucial for validating ideas and uncovering potential problems early. By bypassing this step, you risk investing heavily in a full game only to discover fundamental flaws later. 

For instance, without a prototype, you might assume a game’s core mechanics are engaging, only to find through user testing that they fail to resonate with players, leading to costly redesigns. Prototyping can be time-consuming but that’s why we’ve created Cybever – to simplify creating these 3D worlds. Join the waitlist for the beta today!  


Successful game development relies on a thoughtful approach to prototyping. By avoiding these mistakes and focusing on core mechanics, thorough testing, and continuous improvement, you’ll build prototypes that effectively guide your development process. You'll refine your ideas and find yourself closer to a polished, engaging final product.